The Fat Big Virtual Quiz of… The World

All you global megastars. Are you looking to take on your peers from around the world, in an evenly matched trumphiac, trivia, tango to the end. Then look no further, because it’s here! The Fat Big Quiz of… The World! 3rd Rock from the sun, can you name that number one? Blue planet, is this table top wood or granite? Gaia, let's take it down to the wire and see if you can be named the champion of The Fat Big Quiz of.. The World.
Our quiz takes players through ten, highly interactive rounds of virtual gameplay. Using video, audio, special guests, graphics, guest presenters, and live triggers, along with the latest in broadcasting and design software, we bring our players a truly memorable user-friendly, immersive, experience.
The quizzes format consits of five quirky creative rounds and 5 normal quiz style rounds.
The rounds for this quiz are:
Questions: Bog standard quiz question, on stage guest, external guest speaker, picture question, fill in the blanks (famous saying).
World Capitals
A collage of 'say what you can see’; built around a scene, in theme with the season. For our fat big quiz of Europe the theme is World capitals.
Questions: Special guest, name that tune, song in reverse, finish the lyric, album cover, face swap.
Land Barks
Can you name the dog breed, and can you name the city they’re in? The citiries can be identified by their landmarks… Oh and they all rhyme with the dog breeds.
Food & Drink
Questions: Fake news, inventor, name the national dish, spell the dip, mask a pony.
Absolutely Buzzing
Welcome to the bee factory. Can you answer the questions that the bee’s buzz in? Each bee will scale up a conveyor belt, holding a miniature item, which will introduce the question… Oh and did we mention. All the items begin with the letter B!!! Buzz buzz buzz. If you get an answer correct you’ll get the honey, and earn your team two points. However, answer a question wrong and you’ll get stung, losing your team a point.
TV / Film
Questions: Where is Ed, esteemed actor Paul Murphy reading a 1 star review, face swap, say what you can see, strap-line from a film.
Train of Thought
Our miniaturised model train will ship in items, which will ask as clues to your set of questions. Taken at face value, these questions seem unrelated, but if you dig a little deeper, and follow the train of thought, you might find a link between the answers. If you do, you’ll be rewarded with an extra 4 points!
Quirky Quick-fire
A quick-fire round of 10 quirky questions based on the quiz theme.
And finally…
Wonder Vision
How many of the wonders of the world can you name? You’ll have the opportunity to name up to fifteen. You’ll be able to bank your top five picks for two points; however, if you list one of your top five incorrectly, you’ll lose a point. Your subsequent ten answers will only earn you one point; however, you will not lose a point if one of these answers is incorrect.
What you'll need
We advise having x 2 smart devices e.g. laptop, iPhone, iPad, a good internet connection, and players must be comfortable with using Google forms to play the game!
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Available all year round.
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