The Fat Big Virtual Quiz of… USA

Sending signals across the pond! You’ve witnessed the Beatles, One Direction have gone solo, so make way for The Fat Big Quiz of… USA. A ten round, creative virtual quiz on different topics about the USA. Do you know your Ivy league from your minor league? Do you know Johnny, from Donny, to Marie, from Jay? Do you know your Superbowl from your 7-10 split? If so rev those engines, and get ready to be crowned the Fat Big Quiz of… USA champion.
Our quiz takes players through ten, highly interactive rounds of virtual gameplay. Using video, audio, special guests, graphics, guest presenters, and live triggers, along with the latest in broadcasting and design software, we bring our players a truly memorable user-friendly, immersive, experience.
The quizzes format consits of five quirky creative rounds and 5 normal quiz style rounds.
The rounds for this quiz are:
Questions: Bog standard quiz question, on stage guest, external guest speaker, picture question, fill in the blanks (famous saying).
High Street Brands
A collage of 'say what you can see’; built around a scene, in theme with the season. For our fat big quiz of Britain the theme is British Icons.
Questions: Special guest, name that tune, song in reverse, finish the lyric, album cover, face swap.
Hot Dogs
Glamourous dogs inside fast food joints. Can you name the dog breed and can you name the fast food joint from the interior decor?
Questions: Fake news, inventor, confectionery slogan, stained glass, name the poem, odd one out, who said it, celebrity fancy dress, punception.
51st State
Since the addition of Hawaii as the 50th state in 1960, ten other territories have been discussed in regards to becoming the 51st state. How many can you name?
Questions: Special guest, esteemed actor Paul Murphy reading a 1 star review, face swap, what happens next, strap-line from a film.
Fever Lost Vegas
How many points do you want to bet on your ability to answer the next question correctly? The more difficult the question, the higher the return you’ll get on your investment. These questions are based on trends that have gone viral. How many can you name? And how many points are you willing to bet?
Quirky Quick-fire
A quick-fire round of 10 quirky questions based on the quiz theme.
And finally…
Star Spangled Banger
We’ve taken American muscle cars and wrapped them in state flags. Can you link the right car make and model with the write state flag? If you make a correct link you’ll earn your team two points. If you make an incorrect link, you’ll lose your team one point.
What you'll need
We advise having x 2 smart devices e.g. laptop, iPhone, iPad, a good internet connection, and players must be comfortable with using Google forms to play the game!
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