The Fat Big Virtual Quiz of... Fireworks & Fall

The leaves are falling, autumn is in bloom, time to wrap up in your blanket and head on over to zoom, for our autumnal quiz. Pumpkin spice up your life, and get stuck into this heart-warming special, with gunpowder TV/Film plot holes, inventions that were skating on thin ice, and umbrella companies that may not keep you dry from the rain. With 10 rounds and lots of interactive graphics, videos, special guests, we’ll make sure we leaf you wanting more.
Our quiz takes players through ten, highly interactive rounds of virtual gameplay. Using video, audio, special guests, graphics, guest presenters, and live triggers, along with the latest in broadcasting and design software, we bring our players a truly memorable user-friendly, immersive, experience.
The quizzes format consits of five quirky creative rounds and 5 normal quiz style rounds.
The rounds for this quiz are:
Questions: Bog standard quiz question, on stage guest, external guest speaker, picture question, fill in the blanks (famous saying).
Absent Without Leaves
A collage of 'say what you can see’ images, built around a scene that is in theme with the season. For our Fat Big Quiz of fireworks & fall the theme is absent without leaves.
Questions: Special guest, name that tune, song in reverse, finish the lyric, album cover, face swap.
Gunpowder Plot Holes
Too many films have become all action and no plot. Can you identify the action film when we read out the plot?
Questions: Headlines, autobiography readout, who created this, pixilated picture, who said this quote, who’s is this celebrity?
Innovating On Thin Ice
The world's most ludicrous inventions... Some paid off, some didn't... Can you name the inventor and invention?
TV / Film
Questions: Literal movie name, read out extract, video clip, face swap for movie post, say what you see, strap-line from the film.
Under My Umbrella
If we show you the brands, can you work out the parent company?
Quirky Quick-fire
A quick-fire round of 10 quirky questions based on the quiz theme.
And finally…
Transfer Deadlines
Can you rank the deals by how much money exchanged hands? If you list an answer in the correct position you’ll earn your team two points. If you list an answer either side of it’s correct position, you’ll earn your team one point.
What you'll need
We advise having x 2 smart devices e.g. laptop, iPhone, iPad, a good internet connection, and players must be comfortable with using Google forms to play the game!
Public Events
Available on seasonal dates, check out our schedule here: Public Tickets
Private Events
Available all year round.
For private bookings you can enquire by filling in this form: Enquiry Forme