2024 Quiz Questions and Answers
My fellow Britains, as we welcome May with open arms and hearts ablaze with the promise of spring, let us not overlook the cultural phenomena that punctuate our digital landscape. Yes, I'm talking about that legendary NSYNC meme—"It's gonna be May." It's back, folks, just like the return of warmer weather and longer days.
But amidst the memes and merriment, let us not forget the importance of staying informed. That's why I'm extending a tremendous invitation to each and every one of you to join me for a weekly news quiz. It's a chance to flex those intellectual muscles, engage in lively discourse, and maybe even share a few laughs along the way.
So what are you waiting for? Rally your friends, round up your family, and invite that neighbour you've been meaning to catch up with. Let's come together to celebrate the spirit of May, embracing both renewal and connection.
In the company of good friends and good conversation, let's seize this opportunity to enrich our minds and strengthen our bonds. Together, we'll create memories that will last a lifetime, woven into the fabric of our shared experiences. Let's embrace the beauty of the season and the joy of learning, forging connections that endure long after May has come and gone. 🌸☀️📰
2024 News Quiz Questions and Answers
1. A zoo in China has staged a phone panda Panda exhibit using what?
2. A Firefox browser power user has made the headlines for keeping how many tabs open for two year?
3. Which virtual universe game is rolling out virtual billboards with video advertisements, in its latest move to draw revenue from its games that are mostly free to play?
4. Which car rental company has charged a customer with a $277 petrol refuelling fee for an electric car?
5. Which dating app company has stated that they think AI will date people on your behalf?
6. Who baptised Russell Brand in the river Thames?
7. China have allegedly hacked which UK government organisation?
8. Which country won Eurovision 2024?
9. Who is the new first minister of Scotland?
10. How many people attended Madonna’s free concert in Rio de Janeiro?
11. Who read out the points for the UK vote at Eurovision?
12. France has reclaimed the world record for the longest baguette. Who took the record from them in 2019?
13. Who accessorised using a block of ice and the 2024 met Gala in New York?
14. Which country is the band baby lasagne from?
15. Hans K Clausen is making a sculpture in the town of Jura using what?
16. King Charle’s 11,500 word 21m ornate had what typo?
For more 2024 quizzes:
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2024 News Quiz Answers
1. Two dogs with dyed hair
2. 7,470
3. Roblox
4. Hertz
5. Bumble
6. Bear Grylls
7. Ministry of Defence
8. Switzerland
9. John Swinney
10. 1.6 Million
11. Joanna Lumley
12. Italy
13. Camila Cabello
14. Croatia
15. Copies of George Orwell's novel 1984
16. An i was missing it’s dot!
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